



New Fish

As the male replacement clowns that I keep getting for my female keep dying I finally gave up and got a clown goby instead. He likes perching on the miami hurricane chalice and enjoys sleeping through the night above the... Continue Reading →

Cyanobacteria Takeover

The fluval came down with a very small patch of purple algae that I initially thought may be harmless. After about a week the algae confirmed it's identification by growing fast and in a thin, stringy sheet. Knowing I had... Continue Reading →

Fluval 13.5 Update

I found that the lights really just aren't doing it for a lot of my corals. I have found that the only ones that like my lights are my miami hurricane chalice and meteor shower cyphastrea. When I frag the... Continue Reading →


A bit of a misleading title, but the IM10 has officially and successfully cycled this time. We placed a green clown goby in there along with several blue leg hermits and three small turbos. It looks so good, other than... Continue Reading →

The IM10 is Crashing

The levels on Matt's tank are spiking yet again and I think, through the help of fellow reefers, that we've narrowed it down to accidentally leaving the live sand in the car overnight. It froze and killed some, if not... Continue Reading →

Our Trip to Worlds Underwater

We took the day to go down to Fayetteville's Worlds Underwater to pick up some rad corals. We got up super early and began our 190 minute drive. We wanted to get there as soon as they opened their doors... Continue Reading →

The IM10 is Cycling!

We finally got Matt's Innovative Marine 10 gallon up and cycling about a week and a half ago and its so close to being done! We bought a new piece of rock, black live sand, and used the rock that... Continue Reading →

Matt’s Dottyback

Happy valentine's Day! No better way to celebrate this holiday than with this beautiful and bright purple fish! We went to Petco the other night and Matt saw the cutest little orchid dottyback and he was so nervous that he... Continue Reading →

New Rock

Matt picked up twenty pounds of rock early this morning from Nixa. This guy was really wanting to get rid of that rock! We paid $20 for twenty pounds of rock, what a deal! So since i was able to... Continue Reading →

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