



Peppermint Angel (Centropyge boylei)

Characterized by their peppermint-like stripes, these fish are known as one of the most beautiful angels with a pretty price tag. There is a lot that is still unknown about these fish as they are so rare. The angels stay... Continue Reading →

The Most Expensive Yasha Goby Pair

Yasha Gobies are a rare fish native to Austrailia. These fish are a beautiful mix of red and white stripes and spots with an elongated dorsal fin similar to a Moorish Idol. These fish can be paired with a pistol shrimp, most... Continue Reading →

Top 10 Fish for a Nano Reef System

Your average nano tank is below 15 gallons, but some people even consider 30 gallon tanks to be nano systems. Either way on how you view it, this is my top ten list for fish to keep in a nano... Continue Reading →

Super DaVinci Clownfish (Juggalo Clown)

"...with an official name ‘to be determined’, and while we haven’t heard much more about this clownfish since then, the fish have continued to grow and develop in marvelous fashion." A new breed of clownfish has become a new reefing sensation... Continue Reading →

Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum)

The Purple Tang is one of the most prized specimens of all saltwater fish for its coloration and is one of the most popular Tangs for the reef aquarium. The purple tang can be a colorful addition to a reef... Continue Reading →

Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus)

The Moorish Idol tends to be very peaceful. Due to its size, schooling nature, and need for swimming space, it requires a large aquarium of at least 125 gallons. As its beauty is most evident while swimming, giving it adequate... Continue Reading →

Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)

Blennies are very ravenous eaters of algae. The best cleaners of them all are lawnmower blennies. As their name implies, they eat algae at an impressive rate. They can fully  clean a tank in a matter of weeks or even... Continue Reading →

Neon Dottyback (Pseudochromis aldabraensis)

Neon Dottybacks are very inquisitive fish. They follow and watch things very closely, in fact, they'll even follow your finger when you slide in across the glass. These fish are aptly named for their neon bright colors, and they are... Continue Reading →

Garden Eels (Heteroconger hassi)

Garden eels are quite the show to watch; they dip in and out of the opening of their burrows while they never leave. They get their name from popping in and out of view as if they were growing in a... Continue Reading →

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